I just love sparklers — especially at the end of a wedding! It’s such a bright and festive way to send the newlyweds off! I’ve always wanted to do a shot with sparklers with the bride and groom at a wedding, but for one reason or another, it just never happened… until now. At my first meeting with Justin and Ashlee I talked about doing a shot with sparklers (I was determined to get the shot this wedding!). Everyone was completely on-board with the idea and knew I could bring a simple idea to fruition … and here is the result: Wouldn’t you want me to shoot your wedding? (By the way, this shot is straight-out-of-camera with no photoshop work. I even showed Justin and Ashlee the image right after I took it)

For those who are curious as to how I achieved this shot … my lovely and talented assistant ran around the couple with a sparkler as the bride and groom stood still.